Is Sexting, Texting and Watching Porn Cheating

Is Sexting, Texting and Watching Porn CheatingTrust is the most important component in any relationship. Without trust, you have nothing but a meaningless union between two people who don’t know if they’re coming or going. Temptation has always been around, but it’s becoming even harder for people to stay committed in today’s society. Sexting, texting, and watching porn can easily be considered cheating, but is it really? Is it only cheating if your partner knows, or does it really matter? The answer to these questions is not as simple as some may think.

If you listen to celebrity gossip, you’ve probably heard the countless stories of husbands and even wives swapping messages on social media and even texting people who aren’t their significant other. It can be a messy situation, especially if your partner doesn’t approve, and in most of these situations, we hear of they don’t. Maybe you even have a friend or two who has found themselves in a similar affair. You may have told him or her to leave their partner alone simply because you don’t want your friend to be a cheater, and you know they can find a better person to experience life with. However, for your friend, things aren’t that simple.

Cheating is a complex subject. If you mention it in a room full of people, don’t be surprised when both men and women start looking around with their palms sweating and hearts racing. The elephant in the room grows bigger and bigger with every silent passing second. Regarding relationships, we all know that cheating is basically when one person keeps secrets and does things that their partner would not necessarily approve of.

When it comes to sexting and texting, it’s usually deemed inappropriate if you know your partner would not condone the behaviour. Let’s think of it like this. Don’t do something you wouldn’t want your partner doing to you. Yes, this is easier said than done, but honestly, it is the best principle to live by.

If you’re actually earning a living from sexting and texting, then it’s really not considered cheating as long as it’s discussed with your partner. Talk about how they would feel with you exchanging erotic texts and raunchy pictures with someone other than them. If they don’t feel comfortable, even if it’s for money, it’s best not to do it. While sexting and texting are tricky topics of their own, porn is an entirely different beast.
Is watching porn cheating? Not really. We are naturally sexual creatures who like to explore different things, including testing our sexual limits. Porn allows us to see sexual acts without partaking in them. It’s probably one of the safest ways, including sex toys, to fulfil that urge to try something different.

What about those who don’t like their partner watching porn and consider it is cheating? Well, to each their own, but my advice would be to discuss it with your partner. If you are in a relationship with someone who enjoys watching porn, why not try to watch porn with them? It can’t hurt any and might improve your relationship. Communication is everything, so it’s important always to be open with your partner if something is honestly bothering you.

The question remains sexting, texting, and watching porn considered cheating? There really is no direct yes or no answer to this because it depends on the two people in the relationship. As long as boundaries aren’t crossed, it may not be considered cheating, but it still varies. What do you feel about the topic? Have you ever been in a situation where you had to guess second if your partner was cheating?